Life of Christ Bible Rhymes

These Bible Rhymes are short, rhyming summaries of events from Jesus’ life.  They are generally almost straight scripture but the rhyming structure makes it great for kids to remember.  Sam wrote all of these and continues to occasionally come up with new ones.

How I Use Them: I like to tell our kids a Bible story in detail using any combination of: the real Bible, felt visuals, and children’s Bible storybooks.  Then I use the Bible rhymes to summarize the story and make it easy to remember the main idea.  Later we can quickly review by going over the Bible rhymes.

My kids enjoy these.

Do they all rhyme perfectly?  No.

Does that matter to my 2 year old and 4 year old?  Not at all.

You as the adult will notice that some of the rhymes are not the most eloquent poetry ever, but the point is to convey the story with a beat that sticks in a child’s head, and they serve their purpose well with our kids.  Hope they are useful to you as well.

Click here to download PDF: life-of-christ-rhymes.pdf




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